purposeful activity
Wiltshire, West End, Wales...A new publication by Daniel Jenkins

Purposeful Activity is a new and exciting publication by our friend Daniel Jenkins. Reflecting on his impressive journey in the menswear industry which spans over two decades, Daniel celebrates great product, good places and good people by writing about and photographing the things he loves and letting us into his daily life. By great product, we mean RRL, The Real McCoy’s, Edward Green, Visvim, Rocky Mountain Featherbed to name a few. Beautiful items designed to be worn for as long as possible. The debut issue instantly caught our attention as all the pieces and brands featured are MARRKT staples. It’s almost as though Daniel decided to bring to life the MARRKT ethos of wearing more, wasting less...
In a world of advert spreads and fast content, Purposeful Activity offers a refreshing, raw and personal take on clothes, craftsmanship and why certain brands have an enduring appeal to us. As Daniel puts it “those items of ours which are more than just material stitched, they are our armour and our daily companion”.
Written and shot by Daniel himself on Leica Q2, the issue focuses on three places very close to his heart: Wiltshire (where he lives), the West End (where he works), Wales (where he comes from).
We’re proud to be stocking the debut issue which is available to purchase below in highly limited quantities.